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Behind the Scenes of our iPhone X Photoshoot
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Behind the Scenes of our iPhone X Photoshoot

Ever wanted to know what a Peel photoshoot looks like? Take a peak behind the curtain of how we shoot our products.

Day 1 - The Studio Photoshoot

Our 'studio' photos as we call them, are shot at a co-working space in Portland, OR that has a large cylorama wall in the backspace of the office. The cyclorama is too big for our needs so we use a portable backdrop kit along with several different colored backdrops that match our cases' colors.

The Cases and Phones

Months before the iPhone X was released we had the specs for the shape of the device. Our R&D team got to work applying our signature super thin design to the new iPhone’s specs. With the launch looming, we produced samples specifically for our photography shoot.

"Let Me Know If You Need a Hand!"


Our hand model Angelyna (not her full time job 😀 ), holds each phone & case at multiple angles, essentially capturing a 360 degree view of what a Peel case looks like on the phone. As we shoot these photos a month before the real phone actually launches, we use dummy phones that are made of real smartphone materials to look and feel like the real thing, but aren't operable.

Holding your arm out for 3+ hours gets tiring!

Our photo assistant Cannon making sure everything looks good.

Getting Product Shots


Once all the hand-modeled photos are finished, we move on to 'Cart photos' which are your classic product shots of the phone & case on a white backdrop. You'll see these when you add a product to you shopping cart on the website and in the emails you receive to confirm your purchase. 

Day 2 - The Lifestyle Photoshoot

On the second day of our photoshoot we hire models and do a lifestyle photoshoot to capture photos of how the phone and our Peel cases are used in real life. We typically pick 3-4 locations that are nearby and rotate through getting shots of the various models with the different colored Peel cases.

"Pretend that someone just hit you up on Tinder!" - sometimes it can be hard to fake a smile or that you are really reading a text (on a dummy phone) so our photographer will say something like this to help capture a more natural shot.

We have each model bring a few tops or outfits to change into to give us a variety of looks.

Follow them on Instagram - Natalya, Anya, & David 

These photos are used on the lifestyle section of the product page as a mini-lookbook.

As well as in our Facebook and Instagram ads. 

We hope you enjoyed this behind-the-scenes peak at how we run Peel! If there are other topics you'd like us to blog about, let us know at

And if you haven't purchased your Peel case for the iPhone X, get one today! 

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